Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The old problem arises again

I think every doctor has had this conversation with a patient:
"I'm tired/have no energy/feel generally unwell."
"Well your bloodwork checks out fine. What's your daily routine like?"
"I have no routine/I don't exercise/I don't eat well/I sleep with my phone and laptop both beside my face."
"...Have you considered not doing that/trying to change that?"
"Oh no! There must be something else wrong. Can you prescribe a vitamin/iron/some miracle pill?"

Believe me if I had that miracle pill I'd be a rich, rich woman cruising on a private yacht somewhere in the Mediterranean. 

It sounds painfully similar to the "I'd give anything to be/have ___ except work towards it!" 

I had this conversation with a patient in a completely unrelated medical appointment today. They preferred to take constipating iron pills that they don't need than exercise, develop a healthy sleeping habit or add any vegetables to their zero-vegetable and fruits diet despite my best attempts at counselling on a limited time. They even made it as far as realizing all their symptoms started with a 70lb weight gain, then failed to correlate the two. 

Trust me. I wouldn't be withholding a magic pill that gives people energy and makes them feel instantly healthy and happy. I'd be throwing that in the water supply.  

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