Sunday, March 6, 2022

The weather is being a tease

So it's 13C out right now. Pause for reaction. It's only first week of March. Shouldn't it still be snowed under? I know it will be, so despite it being sunny and the snow is melty, I feel a little ill at ease. I enjoyed a lovely morning of coffee, croissants and shopping (don't look at my bank statements this month) but I'm waiting for the other shoe of winter to drop. 

It feels like the weather version of a tease - just warm enough to make you want more, to be followed by sleet and icy rain later this week. 

On more Stardew recipes (thought I'd forgotten? Me too, I've been living on takeout this week while housesitting for a friend), I made some a few weeks ago. 

The lucky lunch is weird. It's starfruits and eel. I don't think those would taste well together, but I've done my best. I've subbed proscuitto (a friend calls it pros-cue-etto, anyone else?) in for eel. It goes well with tangy fruits. It was...fine. Edible. I don't love starfruits other than how cute they look cut up. 

I also made muffins for the first time. Muffins were good! My boyfriend ate almost all of them in a single sitting. I had some leftover blueberries that prompted the experiment. Me and baking don't go along well. I make mistakes that, in regular cooking course, can be corrected. Mess up during baking and you're tossing out the whole batter...or you realize the mistake after it comes out of the oven. Eek. It's not poppyseed though so it doesn't count for the recipe list. 


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