Monday, July 23, 2018

The post call slump

Per every overnight call we receive what is a post call day. Typically this day is used for sleeping, although often times we forgo that privilege in order to get necessary adulting done. Get the oil changed (which I still haven't done, thanks so much), renew licenses, drop off paperwork and other such fun business.

On home call as I have here, I don't have a post call day unless I go after 2AM. I've gone until 1AM so far, with no post call day the day after. I don't mind too much, since I often don't sleep until very late anyways, but it's hard to adjust to life without a guaranteed business day off every 4 days or so. I'm finding my paperwork a never ending pile. As soon as I get one thing done, three more comes in. Someone else needs an extra confirmation, this file is missing a signature.

I've been on 1 in 2 call a few times during surgery, mostly due to the surgeons' changing their schedules to accommodate vacations. I have no vacations, so I just do call with them. This has resulted in a perpetual post call exhaustion. On normal post call days I've been able to get some brunch then crash into bed for a few hours. Without these days I'm dragging my feet and barely awake at all hours of the day. Especially when an 11th hour appendicitis comes in, I'm 3/4 useless. I'm amazed at how the surgeons are still running, although they're getting notably grumpier with each progressive call in a row.

It's been some beautiful weekends but I've been hiding at home. Partially because I'm too lazy to put on the sun screen to keep myself from burning, partially because I have no one to go out with. One of my co residents is here with family, so he has company. My other co resident is from here and has a boyfriend, so she is also preoccupied. I can barely bring myself to hike the trails I know well back home, let alone take on a new cliff-and-coastal trail by myself here. Have I mentioned I have no signal 90% of the time? Rogers, amiright?

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