I'm now officially enroute to destination: Newfoundland. Today is day 3 of the journey. Currently in a car from Montreal to Grand Falls New Brunswick.
On the 22nd I came back from Italy and proceeded to sleep for 2 days. On the 23rd I had a wonderful day with one of my oldest friends. Ramen and shaved ice and all the Asian snacks I'll miss on the coast. On the 24th I casually passed a large milestone: graduation. I was so jet lagged I forgot to wash and style my hair. Of course the first thing my mom said upon seeing me: what the hell happened to your hair.
It was still a wonderful day. In the morning I greeted all the classmates that have gone through medical school with me. We walked across the stage to our parents' delight, our assistant Dean butchered a few names during commencement, and we finally took our Hippocratic oath. A moment of chills when I recognized that I was finally standing before family and in the company of some of the brightest and best people of my life. And we were swearing the ancient oath (or at least modern translation) that promises to be good physicians. In the afternoon we went through the arduous affair of actually graduating and receiving our diplomas. I grabbed my diploma and ran.
On the 25th I packed like a maniac for all the time I skipped packing earlier and left a trail of scrap papers, lone socks, and dust in my apartment.
First thing 26th I set out to Montreal.
Almost there, and only a couple provinces and a mountain of paperwork between residency and I.
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